Home Education Classes – FAQ’s

About your sessions:

Your sessions are held every Thursday from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM during term-time.

Our next terms session dates are:
February: 22nd, 29th
March: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

The following term will begin on the 18th April.

This guide aims to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for both you and your child. If you have any further questions after browsing through these FAQs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Let’s embark on this learning adventure together!

Frequently asked.

Is there parking available on site?

Yes, we have parking available on site for your convenience. This ensures easy access to our sessions and a smooth drop-off and pick-up process for you and your child.

We ask that you do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your session time.

Do participants need to bring their own food and drink?

Yes, each child should bring a packed lunch, a snack, and a filled water bottle to ensure they stay hydrated and energised throughout the session.

However, on certain days, we may engage in some cooking activities.

Please be aware that we are a nut-free site.

Is this a drop-off session?

Absolutely, these are drop-off sessions designed to allow children to fully engage with the activities and their peers independently.

What should my child bring to the session?

We don’t have a fixed kit-list. However, we do we require:

  • Suitable clothing for the weather
  • Closed-toed shoes (ideally wellies)
  • A water bottle
  • A packed lunch
  • Sunscreen and a sun hat (in summer)

Recommended items for comfort:

  • Ski/snow boots (winter)
  • Waterproof shoes/boots (all seasons)
  • A change of clothes
  • Waterproof trousers and jacket
  • Layers for varying temperatures
  • Winter hat and gloves (no scarves)
  • Thick socks
  • A comfortable backpack
  • Ice pack for lunch bags

This ensures your child is prepared for a wide range of outdoor activities and weather conditions.

Do you follow a curriculum?

Yes, our program follows the “Wild Passport” curriculum, which is specifically designed to complement national curriculum outcomes. This curriculum offers a unique blend of outdoor education and experiential learning, carefully aligning with the standards and objectives found in traditional educational settings.

Through a variety of hands-on activities and explorations in nature, children engage with key learning areas such as science, geography, and physical education, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the subjects.

The Wild Passport curriculum ensures that while children are immersed in the joy of outdoor learning, they are also achieving important educational milestones.

Regular feedback will be given to parents about their child’s progress. This ensures you’re kept informed of their development, achievements, and areas for growth throughout their time with us.

What is the commitment for session sign-ups and attendance?

To maximise the benefits of our program and ensure a cohesive group experience, we ask parents to commit to 4 consecutive weeks of sessions. We understand that flexibility is important, so if notified at least 7 days in advance, we can accommodate spreading these sessions over a maximum of 6 weeks to suit your scheduling needs.

However, please be aware that if more than 2 sessions are missed within a 6-week period, there is a possibility that your child’s place on our course could be offered to another participant on our waiting list.

This policy helps us maintain the quality and continuity of our program for all attendees.

What should I do if I’m running late for a session?

We recognize that delays can occasionally occur. Should you be running late for a session, please notify us at your earliest convenience through a phone call or text to our designated contact.

For the safety and well-being of all involved, we ask that you refrain from bringing your child directly to the group upon late arrival, as this poses a safeguarding concern. Instead, please call us from the parking area, and a staff member will come to escort your child safely to the group.

Regular lateness may affect the overall group dynamic and limit your child’s engagement in activities. We value your commitment to keeping to our schedule, ensuring a positive and seamless experience for everyone.

What is your stance on children taking risks?

We believe that taking managed risks is a vital part of learning and development. Minor cuts and bruises can be expected as children explore and engage with the natural environment. Our experienced staff are trained to balance safety with the benefits of risk-taking.

Do you offer a sibling discount?

We do not offer a sibling discount. Each child’s place is valued equally, and our pricing reflects the quality and care provided in our sessions.

What happens if a session is cancelled by Ambleford?

Our sessions are held outdoors and will proceed in most weather conditions. However, in the event of thunderstorms, high winds, or excessive snowstorms, sessions may be cancelled.

We will offer credits for sessions cancelled due to staff sickness and weather-related safety concerns.

What should I do if my child is sick and cannot attend?

If your child is unwell, particularly if they exhibit symptoms such as a fever (38 degrees or higher), vomiting, or diarrhoea within the last 48 hours, we strongly advise keeping them at home for their well-being and to prevent the spread of illness. Please notify us as soon as possible if your child will miss a session due to sickness.

We do not offer refunds or credits for sessions missed because of illness. Please note that a pattern of adverse attendance may lead to your child’s place in our course being offered to another child on our waiting list.

This policy helps us maintain a balanced and committed group dynamic, essential for the success of our program and the enjoyment of all participants.

Are electronic devices allowed during sessions?

No! In order to fully immerse our participants in the outdoor experience and encourage engagement with nature and each other, we have a policy of no electronic devices during sessions. This includes mobile phones, tablets, and any other digital gadgets. We believe this approach helps foster a deeper connection with the environment, promotes social interaction, and enhances the overall learning experience. If there’s an urgent need for communication, our staff will always be on hand to facilitate. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us create a focused and present outdoor learning community.